The 7 Cardinal Sins of E-Newsletters

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By Omnizant Team
Law Firm Marketing Agency

You draft a clever email message and send it off to hundreds, or even thousands, of contacts and there you have it – your firm’s monthly e-newsletter. Seems simple but without the right program, these email blasts can do more harm than good. Some time ago, we received an email blast from a law firm which committed all of the cardinal sins of e-newsletters. While the greeting was a nice one, the delivery and presentation of information was grotesque and potentially unethical on the part of the firm. We thought we’d share these mistakes so you can make sure your firm doesn’t repeat them by using a well-designed e-newsletter program.

Privacy First

Sin #1: You can see all other recipients listed

If you asked any attorney if he or she would provide you with a list of their clients, they’d be quick to deny your request. Privacy and confidentiality are non-negotiable in the legal world. Yet, without the right email program, your firm might unwittingly expose your client’s email addresses to all your contacts. Even if you remember to BCC your recipients, there are often limitations on how many addresses can be included in the blind carbon copy. To safeguard client confidentiality and maintain a professional touch, it’s crucial to choose an email management system that ensures recipient privacy.

The Solution: Enter the Advanced E-Newsletter Platform

To avoid accidental data exposure and maintain your clients’ trust, opt for an advanced e-newsletter platform, with features like optional recipient groups, that safeguards against unintentional data breaches. With these tools, you can send email blasts while keeping client information confidential.

Embrace the Unsubscribe Feature

Sin #2: There is no way to unsubscribe

If you want your email newsletters to hit the inbox rather than the dreaded spam folder (and, in some states, comply with privacy laws), you must offer recipients the choice to opt out. Without an unsubscribe feature, people who no longer wish to receive your emails are likely to mark them as spam. This not only affects your email sender reputation but can also result in your email account getting blacklisted.

The Solution: Make Unsubscribing a Breeze

To maintain a positive email sender reputation, ensure that unsubscribing is a simple and hassle-free process. Leveraging an advanced e-newsletter platform that offers an auto-unsubscribe feature can help. This way, you give recipients the choice to opt out, demonstrating your respect for their preferences while safeguarding your sender reputation.

Timing: The Right Hour Matters

Sin #3: The newsletter is delivered at a time when most are not checking emails

Timing is everything when it comes to email marketing. Yet, many law firms send out their email blasts at times when most recipients are unlikely to read them. Solo practitioners, for example, might only find time in the evening, after office hours. However, to maximize the impact of your e-newsletter, it’s essential to deliver it when people are actively checking their inboxes.

The Solution: Strategically Scheduled Emails

To increase your e-newsletter’s visibility and impact, consider strategic scheduling which helps you reach your target audience at the right time. If your newsletters are going to executives, you may find that early morning is ideal. If it’s working parents, you may find that evening, after the kids’ bedtime, delivery is ideal. If you’re uncertain what time is best for your unique audience, try some A/B testing and see when you get the most engagement. By taking time to find the right time, you will get the most out of this touchpoint. 

Content: Information Over Promotion

Sin #4: The message is promotional and not informational

While the occasional promotional message is perfectly acceptable, e-newsletters should primarily provide value to recipients. Sharing informative content, such as helpful articles or updates on legal matters, not only enhances your e-newsletter relevance but also prevents it from feeling like a sales pitch.

The Solution: A Blend of Value and Promotion

To keep recipients engaged, mix promotional content with informative articles. Offer insights into current legal issues, share relevant updates, or curate articles from reputable sources. This approach not only positions your law firm as an industry expert but also adds value to your e-newsletters.

Stand Out in the Inbox: Visual Appeal is Key

Sin #5: The message does nothing to stand out in that crowded inbox

In a cluttered email inbox, your e-newsletter should grab the recipient’s attention. A plain email message won’t cut it. To stand out and be recognized as a message from your firm, it’s vital to add visual appeal and align your branding.

The Solution: Design for Impact

Your e-newsletter should be visually appealing and incorporate your law firm’s branding elements. Using an advanced e-newsletter platform enables you to create eye-catching, branded emails. This not only makes your newsletters more recognizable but also enhances their overall impact.

Keep It Engaging

Sin #6: Your messages are just rather boring

While you may be deeply passionate about your legal practice, not all recipients share the same level of interest. It’s essential to write for your audience in a language they can understand. Injecting variety into your e-newsletters, such as including general interest articles, keeps them engaging and relevant.

The Solution: Diversify Your Content

To ensure your e-newsletters remain interesting to a diverse audience, include a mix of legal and general interest articles. Address topics that cater to a wider readership and add variety to your content. This approach will help maintain reader interest and engagement.

Targeted Messaging: Not One Size Fits All

Sin #7: You just have one recipient list and one message for all kinds of contacts

To maximize the effectiveness of your e-newsletter campaign, it’s essential to tailor your messages to different recipient groups. For instance, you might have current clients, fellow advisors, and referral sources. Using a basic email client for sending the same message to all these groups can be challenging.

The Solution: Segment and Personalize

Implement an advanced e-newsletter platform that allows you to create multiple recipient lists. With this capability, you can send targeted messages to specific groups. This personalization enhances the relevance of your e-newsletters, increasing their impact.

The Right Tool Can Make All the Difference 

Email marketing remains a valuable tool for law firms to stay in touch with clients, colleagues, and referral sources. However, avoiding common e-newsletter mistakes is essential to ensure that your email campaigns are effective and well-received. By selecting the right e-newsletter platform and following the strategies outlined in this article, you can create engaging, informative, and visually appealing newsletters that add value to your recipients’ inboxes. This not only fosters better client relationships but also strengthens your professional reputation.

About the Author
Since 2006, Omnizant's team of digital marketing experts, designers, developers and writers has helped over 2,000 law firms develop powerful websites that drive business growth.