URL Advertising: Are you doing enough?

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By Omnizant Team
Law Firm Marketing Agency

If you’ve created a professional website with high-quality content, you want to take every opportunity to showcase it to the world. Unfortunately, far too many attorneys miss valuable opportunities to promote their websites to contacts in everyday communications. Consider the following places to include your URL:

Your Email Signature. You exchange thousands of emails with clients, colleagues, adversaries, referral sources and prospective clients each and every year. By including your website’s URL in your signature you can make sure you’re directing all of these contacts to your online home.

Office Signage. Whether you are in a skyscraper with a sign in a long hallway or have your own office building, any signage should include your URL, in addition to the firm’s name and phone number. This allows anyone passing by to easily visit you on the web (if he or she is a smart phone user, they may even do so as they stroll by)!

Online Directories. Most attorneys are in more online directories than they even realize. Take some time to identify what directories your name appears in and make certain that, whenever possible, you include your site’s URL in your listing. If you don’t, a directory visitor is more likely to end up on the site of a local competitor.

Social Media Accounts. This should go without saying but you might be surprised at just how many professional social networking sites are missing a URL. Check on your LinkedIn, Google+, Facebook and Twitter accounts to make sure that all are correctly linked to your firm’s website (if you are part of a larger firm, you might want these pages to specifically link to your individual profile page).

Article Contributions or Guest Posts. If you write a weekly article in your local paper or contribute guest blog posts to your state’s bar association, make sure that your website’s URL is included in the byline of each, whether it is online or in print. This allows readers who appreciate your insight to further explore the services that you offer to the community.

By proactively including your firm’s URL in all advertising and communications, you are maximizing your site’s visibility and encouraging all those who come in contact with you to learn more about your practice.


About the Author
Since 2006, Omnizant's team of digital marketing experts, designers, developers and writers has helped over 2,000 law firms develop powerful websites that drive business growth.