Repurposing Your Law Firm’s Content

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By Omnizant Team
Law Firm Marketing Agency

Content marketing is an ongoing struggle for many firms. In some cases, they lack the time or resources to create the content. In other cases, it’s simply a matter of “writer’s/creator’s block” when it’s time to identify new topics. There’s actually an easy and effective solution—ready?

Repurposing your content can help address both the lack of resources and the lack of ideas. These hurdles prevent firms from achieving content marketing greatness (and the rewards that come along with it, most notably, better search rankings). Adapting existing content is an effective, efficient way to reach your goals.

This article explains what content repurposing is and how it works, the key benefits of content repurposing, and three ways to begin integrating this technique into your firm’s content marketing strategy.

What is content repurposing?

Content repurposing is a process whereby you transform a piece of existing content into a new format. Usually, the intention is to translate a piece of content for a different channel or platform.

Below are a few examples of how content repurposing could work for a law firm.

Let’s say you already have a blog post. The topic is how child custody is decided, and your post includes several paragraphs of text and a stock image. You could repurpose the blog post into a checklist for parents facing a separation or an infographic charting a client’s journey through the custody process.

Perhaps you already have an on-demand webinar recording about how to separate assets and debts in a divorce. You could repurpose the webinar into a blog post, a short (3-5 minute) video, or a downloadable eBook.

For more examples, check out this list from HubSpot

Overall, content repurposing is a clever way to easily create more value from existing content. 

Benefits of content repurposing

We are major fans of content repurposing around here! This is not a shortcut to reach your goals. Done right, content repurposing is highly strategic and seriously effective.

Content marketing is an investment—and repurposing content provides great ROI. Why not receive more return on your initial labor and expense? Content repurposing allows you to extend the reach and lifecycle of your work.

Content repurposing can help you reach different audiences. Every platform has a different tone. For instance, what works well on Twitter may not land the same way on Instagram. You can repurpose your content to fit each platform, targeting different audiences on different channels to give your firm maximum visibility.

SEO improves due to the additional content generated by content repurposing. Every asset you create reinforces your expertise around a specific legal matter (and its associated keywords). 

Of course, content repurposing does require some labor. Someone needs to decide the appropriate format for the new content, and then someone needs to do the actual creative work of producing it. 

However, there is an overall reduction in the time and energy devoted to generating ideas when a firm embraces strategic content repurposing. You can come up with a single great idea and get five different assets out of it. Efficient and effective!

How to include repurposing in your content marketing strategy

So, let’s consider a few basic steps toward integrating content repurposing into your marketing strategy.

First, imagine different formats when developing your content strategy. Is this a highly visual topic? Could it be easily translated into a checklist or a podcast after the initial blog post or infographic is created? 

Second, review your data. Any asset that has previously gotten high engagement is a clear indication that this topic could be ripe for content repurposing. 

Finally, find a design professional who can be on hand to help with graphics and video creation. Freelancers are a good resource, or if you work with a full-service digital marketing agency, they likely have a team of professionals available to assist with your strategy. 

Review and next steps

Content repurposing helps you get more value from previous and new content by creating new assets based on the original material. 

This strategy offers several key benefits:

  • More efficient use of resources with higher ROI
  • More effective targeting of specific audiences
  • SEO improvements due to additional content creation

Try to integrate this approach in the early phase of developing a content strategy. Think about formats, where your audience spends time online, and which topics have been popular. 
Content repurposing is one of our specialties. It’s one of the many reasons why we’re able to deliver excellent results to our clients! Omnizant’s team of content strategists, social media marketers, and video marketing experts can help your firm get started.

About the Author
Since 2006, Omnizant's team of digital marketing experts, designers, developers and writers has helped over 2,000 law firms develop powerful websites that drive business growth.