Is There Such a Thing As Too Much Content?

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By Omnizant Team
Law Firm Marketing Agency

It’s now easier than ever to crank out a ton of content to compete online—but is flooding the Internet with content the best way to succeed in an increasingly crowded arena?

There are about 1.11 billion websites in existence, and a new one is created every three seconds. Now, with the birth of ChatGPT, firms are churning out more content than ever before. In fact, we just spoke with a firm that asked about publishing a daily blog article and asked, Is that too much?

Over the years, we’ve often been asked what the minimum is for content if a firm wants to rank well. While content production is a key factor in the success of attorney websites, you’ll need more than quantity to win clients and outcompete your rivals. There is such a thing as too much content.

Here’s how to figure out if your firm is producing too much of the wrong type of content—and what to do if your content strategy needs help.

It depends on your audience and how valuable your content is

Let’s start with the truth: There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to the frequency with which a law firm should publish content. But the good news is that there is a right frequency for your firm. 

Remember, the number one goal for content is to deliver value to the right audience. 

Not only will valuable content resonate with the right audience, but it will also satisfy Google’s goal of delivering relevant results.

But before you try to decide how much content is too much, you should be able to 1) understand your firm’s target audience and 2) your firm’s ability to produce valuable, relevant content for that audience.

What makes content relevant?

Relevant content solves problems, educates, entertains, or provides useful insights for your audience—and it’s only possible to produce this type of content if you have a deep understanding of your audience.

Take a look at your content planning strategy. Do your topics align with the interests and pain points of your target audience?

If you’re uncertain, it might be time for some audience research or a consultation with digital marketing experts.

Have I discussed this already?

More content is not necessarily better. In fact, if you find yourself repeating the same topics without adding more value, you could wind up competing with your own content. Keyword cannibalization is a real thing!

Avoid redundant content for the sake of posting more content. 

Rather than producing repetitive pieces, consider refreshing existing content to add value and relevance. You can always make a blog post more comprehensive or update it with the newest statistics to make it more valuable.

Are you able to deliver something novel?

We’ve written previously about machine-generated content and we’re big proponents of using AI in your MarTech stack in smart ways. However, you should not rely solely on AI to drive your content strategy. 

Originality in content creation is paramount.

It’s difficult to create novel content with AI since it draws on existing datasets and content to produce new work. Avoid these drawbacks by hiring human copywriters to apply their creativity and expertise so you can captivate your audience with innovative and valuable content. 

Quality over quantity

Focus on good content rather than becoming obsessed with more content. Churning out tons of mediocre articles may have worked 10-15 years ago, but that strategy won’t work in today’s world

Low-quality or poorly researched content can have a negative impact on your online reputation and your brand’s credibility. On the other hand, high-quality content can establish expertise, trust, and authority in the legal field. 

A great piece of content is more likely to be shared and linked to by others, which will improve your firm’s SEO—even if you’re not posting every single day.

Don’t forget, it’s okay to experiment to work out the right posting frequency for your firm!

Review and next steps

There is no magic formula for content production frequency, but relevance and quality are essential. Too much fluff content can actually damage your law firm’s online reputation!

Invest in developing original content that reflects your firm’s expertise. Based on a thorough understanding of your audience, create an editorial calendar to plan topics and avoid redundancy. Invest your time and money into hiring expert content creators.

Consult with the experts at Omnizant to get your content strategy where it needs to be. From research and design to execution, Omnizant helps growth-oriented law firms with the scaffolding and technical support they need to succeed.

About the Author
Since 2006, Omnizant's team of digital marketing experts, designers, developers and writers has helped over 2,000 law firms develop powerful websites that drive business growth.