Social Media Posts and Your Firm’s GBP

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By Omnizant Team
Law Firm Marketing Agency

Google’s latest update now showcases your social media posts directly on your Business Profile. This means more exposure, more engagement and more opportunities for your business. 

Your social media presence is critical for online success—but it’s now more important than ever, in light of Google’s decision. Don’t underestimate the significance of this update, and don’t wait to take action.

Here’s a quick explanation of the update and practical tips for optimizing your social media content to make the most out of the GBP’s new feature.

Understanding Google’s new update 

Google recently announced a change to the Google Business Profile (GBP). 

As a reminder: Your GBP is a short snapshot of your key business details. It’s displayed on Google Maps and in the SERP when someone searches for your firm (or, if you’re lucky strategic, your GBP appears in the local pack when someone looks for a “nearby law firm”). 

The change: Going forward, your GBP will automatically display recent social media posts (not just links) alongside your firm’s address, opening hours, and reviews. This is only for mobile devices at the moment.

This is a big move. It indicates that Google sees your social media presence as a valuable component of your overall online presence. Google understands that the majority of people want to check out a brand’s social media before deciding whether to deepen the relationship. 

Impact on you: If your firm is already publishing regularly on social media, great! You can seamlessly showcase your content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and X directly on your Google Business Profile. 

If you’re inconsistent on social media, take this as your sign to step it up. We’ve always said that social media can be a valuable marketing tool for law firms, but Google’s GBP update solidifies our position.

Choosing social media platforms to display on your GBP

Here are the social media platforms supported by Google Business Profiles:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • TikTok
  • X (formerly known as Twitter)
  • YouTube

You may add one link per platform.

The good news: You can easily update, add, or delete social media integrations from your GBP. Don’t have any Instagram content? No problem, just delete that one and focus on Facebook instead.

But before you make any decisions, consider which platforms are the most relevant to your target audience and overall content strategy. Choose the profiles that are most active. 

Book a call with one of our marketing consultants if you’re not sure how to proceed with setting up your GBP.

How to manage social media profiles on your GBP

Note: This feature may not yet be available in your region, so don’t panic if you cannot perform certain steps in this description.

First, log into your Google Business account. If you have not yet claimed your GBP, start by optimizing your profile using this checklist.

Next, navigate to the “Edit profile” section of your Business profile. Go to “Business Information” and select “Contact” and then “Social profiles.” Google may have automatically added your links. You can update, remove, or add links here.

Finally, check your work. Google your firm’s name and confirm that the API is working correctly. You might discover renewed motivation—and a different perspective—for creating social media content.

Tips for optimizing social media posts

Social media should be engaging, informative, entertaining, or somehow valuable to your audience. 

Optimizing means creating visuals that grab attention and inspire the user to go deeper.

Try graphic design that either raises questions or answers them—at a glance. You only have a split second to capture interest or show value. 

But don’t be tempted to go off the rails and innovate beyond your brand guidelines. Consistency is key for building a recognizable visual identity and brand voice across platforms. 

Here’s a quick experiment: Visit your three most active social media platforms and screenshot each platform’s most recent post. Now look at those three posts side-by-side. Shrink the images down to thumbnail size. Do they look like they belong to the same brand? Do they spark curiosity?

Review and next steps

Google changes the rules all the time. Your job is to manage cases—our job is to manage your brand on Google. 

If you need help with your Google Business Profile, start with our checklist and read about how your opening hours can affect your ranking. For additional optimization and marketing support, reach out for a consultation so the experts at Omnizant can help you level up successfully.

About the Author
Since 2006, Omnizant's team of digital marketing experts, designers, developers and writers has helped over 2,000 law firms develop powerful websites that drive business growth.
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