Call Tracking for Law Firms

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By Omnizant Team
Law Firm Marketing Agency

Do you know how many potential clients are calling your law firm via your website each month? Many attorneys are unsure, but tracking these calls is essential for measuring your website’s return on investment. 

There’s a lot at stake here—and the complexities of website analytics can be daunting, especially for legal professionals committed primarily to serving their clients’ needs. 

But lack of visibility into phone calls can prevent you from making informed decisions about digital marketing. Concrete data on call volumes and their sources can exponentially improve your marketing outcomes.

Traditional methods of call tracking won’t cut it. They’re prone to inaccuracies, like relying on a receptionist to ask about a referral source. 

Call tracking is a valuable investment for most law firms. Here’s how call tracking works, key benefits of call tracking for lawyers, and answers to common concerns about call tracking.

What is call tracking for lawyers?

Imagine if you could confidently measure the impact of your online presence by knowing exactly how many calls originate from your website (and, in some instances, how they got to your website). That’s what call tracking can do!

Call tracking involves assigning a unique phone number(s) to your website or an individual web page, which forwards to your firm’s main line. 

To make it happen, you’ll use a call tracking service like CallRail or CallScaler.

Having a dedicated number allows you to identify calls originating from a specific campaign or channel. You can even use it with a service that answers calls after your receptionist goes home for the day (a strategy that also helps with local SEO).

Some studies show that phone calls convert to revenue 10-15x more than web leads. 

Benefits of call tracking

Call tracking can help you better understand your website traffic, identify lead sources and optimize your marketing efforts to maximize ROI

This tool helps you hone your firm’s marketing spending by giving you more data related to incoming calls.

It can help you understand:

  • Which campaigns/channels send the most visitors to your site
  • Which pages convert visitors into callers
  • Keywords driving traffic to your site
  • Duration of calls to your office

Let’s dive into four key benefits of call tracking for law firms.

1. Deeper insight into website performance: Call tracking goes beyond simply counting the number of calls. It provides comprehensive insights into your website’s performance by revealing which marketing channels, campaigns or specific web pages are driving the most calls. This helps you make data-driven decisions to optimize your online presence effectively.

2. Optimization of marketing efforts: When you understand which marketing channels are generating the most leads, you can allocate your resources more efficiently. This might be investing more in successful campaigns or refining underperforming strategies.

3. Improved customer engagement: Call tracking allows you to delve deeper into customer interactions by analyzing call duration, call quality and caller demographics. This valuable data helps you tailor your services and communications to better meet the needs and preferences of your target audience, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Measurable ROI: You can get extremely precise with your calculations, thanks to call tracking. You can accurately attribute leads and conversions to specific marketing initiatives. This measurable ROI not only validates your marketing investments but also provides valuable insights for future planning and budget allocation.

All marketing requires continuous improvement—and this requires continuous data.

When configured correctly, call tracking arms you with detailed analytics.

When you can identify patterns, trends and areas for improvement, you can continue refining and optimizing your online presence to stay ahead of the competition.

Another perk is that it can streamline your firm’s call management process. Studies show that 46% of consumers are likely to turn away from a business if their calls repeatedly go unanswered. That’s a ton of leads on the line—literally. Plus, 87% of people say that talking with a real person on the phone makes them more confident in making a high-consideration purchase (like hiring a lawyer).

Common concerns with call tracking

We hear from a lot of concerned lawyers who fear giving up control of their phone number. 

Many firms might be interested in the benefits of call tracking, but they’re worried about confusing clients or committing to something they can’t take back.

Let’s address those concerns.

CONCERN: Clients will be confused

Clients are more interested in reaching your firm than memorizing a phone number. Displaying a different phone number is unlikely to confuse clients or deter them from calling.

In fact, numerous successful implementations of call tracking have demonstrated minimal impact on client communication or retention. Your clients value accessibility and quality, right? As long as you implement it well, the transition to a tracking number shouldn’t negatively impact someone’s interaction with your firm.

CONCERN: Losing control of your number

You retain full control over your phone number with most services, even if you discontinue call tracking services. It’s easy to port a number to your preferred phone carrier, ensuring continuity and control over your communication channels.

Review and next steps

Call tracking is a reliable and valuable tool for law firms. It provides unparalleled insights into a peak opportunity for conversion. 

To optimize your digital marketing efforts, book a consultation with the experts at Omnizant. We specialize in delivering support to growth-oriented law firms, with website design, marketing campaigns, and other client generation services.

About the Author
Since 2006, Omnizant's team of digital marketing experts, designers, developers and writers has helped over 2,000 law firms develop powerful websites that drive business growth.