Many law firms host educational events for clients, colleagues and prospective clients throughout the year. These seminars can be a great way to demonstrate your expertise and drum up business, but they do require a bit of “advertising” on your end to ensure you have a significant number of registrants. To get the word out about your upcoming events and make them a great success, consider the following promotional tips:
Always Post Events to Your Law Firm’s Website
Your firm’s website should highlight all upcoming events. A dynamic seminar calendar shows visitors that you are active in the community and allows them to get to know your firm in a group setting where they won’t be asked to discuss their personal objectives or pay an initial consultation fee. Firms that host regular events report that many of their new clients were first event attendees who enjoyed the presentation and liked the presenting attorney.
When posting an upcoming event to your firm’s website make sure that all details are included. This shouldn’t consist of an event name, location, date and time; sell the seminar! Expand upon the objective of the event and what attendees can expect to learn. You might also consider adding a brief bio of the attorney presenting along with a photo. Be sure to clearly note whether or not the event is free for attendees. If this is unclear, site visitors may avoid signing up in fear that there may be a cost to attend once they arrive.
Most importantly, make sure that site visitors can register for the seminar on line. Many firms make a mistake in requesting that people call the office to sign up. As soon as a site visitor has to take another action, like initiate a phone call or send an email with their registration details, you have a much higher chance of losing them. Make everything as easy as possible to encourage folks to sign up.
Share with Clients and Colleagues
The objective for many firms holding seminars is to recruit new clients so they fail to promote their upcoming events to past clients, not realizing that these connections may share this information with relatives and friends. To avoid this common mistake, make an upcoming events brochure each year which you send out to all clients and colleagues. It’s a great way to reconnect and spread the word about your services.
Post in Your Email Signature
Most attorneys create their email signatures and then never update them. If you’re like most legal professionals, you probably send out dozens of emails each day and should come to see your email signature as another valuable marketing tool. When you have a seminar coming up, be sure to put a note about it in your email signature along with a link that takes people right to the corresponding page on your website.
Just as important as advertising the event is the follow-up before the event. Even if you have 50 people sign up, it’s not a successful event unless they actually show up. Have a member of your team call each registrant the week of the event to remind them of their registration and see if they have any questions about the upcoming seminar. With the right advertising and reminder system in place, you can turn a good seminar into a great one.